Back After This - Linda Holmes
Podcasts, romcom, a fairly giant dog, and a bit of finding your voice - the upcoming (and by that I mean right now!) Back After This by Linda Holmes has it all. Cecily is a podcast audio editor who has worked hard to succeed in the world of audio. She has a rather large setback after investing years in a podcast with her boyfriend - only to have to walk away after their break up and start over. In times of change she worries she and her friends may be without work again. She agrees to do a podcast - 20 Dates - against her best judgment and allow a self help guru to help her find true love in an effort to save jobs. In the meantime she keeps bumping into Will - a very handsome man in the most intriguing of ways.
I spend much of my waking and sleeping hours listening to podcasts. When I heard Holmes of NPR pop culture (one of my faves!) was the author here, I hoped for some insight into the industry. What I learned was that I knew very little about the business that consumes much of my time. Through Cecily’s work, we have insight into the fun and the extreme pressure that exists. What seems so instantaneous as a listener involves hours of work. I enjoyed this fascinating look into the industry. Most of the conflict revolves around Cecily’s work. She wants to keep her job, have her own podcast, and protect the job of some of her friends - so she steps out of her comfort zone into the dating world. Eliza, the self help guru, becomes as interesting as Cecily. She is complex - I didn’t like her one second and thought “what insight” the next. Through her, though, we gain insight into the complex world of social media - the challenges of being current and making a living there. I was fascinated by the lives of these ladies. Cecily’s growth - through Eliza’s less than honest treatment and, in fact, her example is fun to see. And the romance was lovely. I enjoyed the meet cute that involved a running dog and a man in a hair salon cape. I had a moment of cynicism with the coincidences of the meetings that followed, but it was too much fun in the end. And philosophically who doesn’t love the idea that the universe will put you in the path of true love?
While I am happily married and have been for some time - I appreciated very much the lessons that Cecily learns in Linda Holmes’ Back After This. I love a woman learning to consider what she wants - and learning to trust herself - and acting for her own best interests. I also appreciate that there are no easy answers here. Holmes offers a bit more complexity and a little less ease in her happily ever after. I am now a Linda Holmes completist and recommend her most highly. Thank you to Netgalley and Ballantine Books for an advanced reader copy in exchange for an honest review.